Friday, August 14, 2009

Search Engine Ranking

There are new ways in which search engines are ranking their results. One of these is by the number of reviews that readers have posted. I thought that we should give this a try. We can then report the results to you and if they are good, you can do the same with your customers and we’ll all move up the list.

So if you would, please post a short review of our work to Google. Here is the link:

Looks like it requires you to have an account with Google.

The interesting part about this new method of ranking is that every site has their own review area, as does LinkedIn and Microsoft. So in order to be ranked high enough to matter everywhere we would end up asking our clients to rank us in at least 4 different locations. Seems like way too much to ask. We are not going to do that. But I will keep an eye on this developing trend and see how it plays out.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

You know your legal system is broken when…

Microsoft barred from selling Word in U.S.

Canadian firm wins latest round of patent dispute
Last Updated: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 | 4:44 PM ET Comments236Recommend206
CBC News

A small Toronto company has won a lawsuit against Microsoft Corp. that could prevent the giant software firm from selling some versions of its Word software in the United States.

On Tuesday a U.S. district court judge in Texas issued a permanent injunction barring Microsoft from selling the word-processing program because it violates a patent held by i4i Inc.


Full Article

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Monday, August 03, 2009

Back on the old phone number

Nothing like a little bit of chaos on Monday morning. We are back on our old phone number: 248-850-8616

Someone over at Comcast heard my pleas of “why oh why do we have to switch phone numbers when our office moves 5 miles”. After getting settled in with our new phone number, making the announcement, changing the website, Comcast called this morning to say that they came up with a way for us to keep the old number. Presto change-o, we’re back on the old phone number.

Sorry for the confusion.

For the record the phone number for the office is 248-850-8616

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