Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Introducing MultiPoint Server

We’ve been installing MultiPoint Server for select clients since late 2010. MultiPoint is a smaller terminal server, limited to 20 people per server but it also contains orchestration, enables work from anywhere from any device and the ability to use zero client stations.

Orchestration gives a manager the ability to see the desktop screens of workers, offer assistance, broadcast a presentation, have internal only instant messaging, and limit Internet access.

Zero Client workstations reduce the cost of in-house worker hardware from a typical $800 per workstation to $100-$300 each, depending on the applications being used by the individual.

Work from Any Device means that we can enable any type of device from Zero Client to Slate to Laptop to full Computer whether in or out of the office, whether owned by the business or owned by an individual. It’s the most flexible access to a server we’ve ever seen.

This week TechSoup a non-profit software distributor posted a blog highlighting the overall ROI of this product including energy savings. Microsoft claimed 63% reduction and this article claims 66% reduction.


But MultiPoint Server is a big secret for the most part. There has been no marketing campaign. It isn’t even listed with the rest of Microsoft’s servers. They only list it under Academic servers, completely missing the importance role that this server can play in small business. 

A couple of weeks ago, Microsoft hosted 20 people for a special training given by their own internal developers and support team and I was lucky enough to be one of those selected. This training makes us a premier firm for installing and supporting this product in a business environment. So if you hear us mention MultiPoint server please know that we’ve got experience with it, we’re uniquely trained and this thing can really bring big lasting benefits to your business.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Dangers of OnLine Banking for Businesses

It’s me again to remind you of the dangers of online banking for businesses. I feel like I’m starting to sound like a scratched CD (also know as a broken record) but this is very important.

Recall from my last post on this topic that FDIC insurance does not protect you from fraud. It only protects you from a failed bank; not from having your account emptied through online banking.


There’s an article that demonstrates how easy it is to become a victim. This company was infiltrated by a link in a single email. Through that infection the bad guys were able to obtain the banking credentials the next time an employee logged in to the bank account. Next the bad guys initiated a payroll distribution and the bank processed it. $180,000 was several times regular payroll but the bank doesn’t care. “You” asked them to process it and they did. Your money is gone.

Please check your insurance and add coverage for online banking fraud. Please keep your online banking to an absolute minimum for business transactions and please keep very little money in that account. The law says that the onus is on you to protect access to your account, not the banks.

p.s. these same rules apply to your personal accounts too

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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Price Increase Announced for Client Access Licenses

Today our distributor gave us the heads up that the price of User CALs is going on by 15% on December 1st.

A CAL is a client access license. It is the license that allows your account to successfully login. Microsoft is raising the price because one User CAL allows you to login using multiple devices. So when your phone, ipad, laptop, desktop all connect it only requires a single license because you always log in as you. They realize that most people now have more than one device that they are logging in from and so they have raised the price because of this increased use.

We appreciate that our vendor let’s us know these things in advance. Most of our clients are at the correct CAL count at this time and won’t be affected. However, if you are planning to add to your employee count soon it might be worthwhile to make that purchase of those CALs before Dec 1 and save the 15%.

Amy Babinchak, Harbor Computer Services
