Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Act! Requires Time Update

Dear ACT! Customer,

We are writing to you, a registered ACT! customer, to inform you that a critical update may be required to maintain the accuracy of activities in your ACT! database.

The United States Congress passed the Energy Policy Act, which changes the dates for both the start and end of Daylight Saving Time effective in Calendar Year 2007. The Daylight Saving Time (DST) will start at 2:00 AM on March 11 th (three weeks earlier) and will end at 2:00 AM on November 4th (one week later).

Microsoft has recently released updates to Windows® regarding the Daylight Saving Time changes. In order to ensure ACT! 2005 (v 7), ACT! 2006 (v 8) and ACT! 2007 (v 9) activities correctly adapt to the DST changes, ACT! users need to run a special ACT! utility program.
Please use the following chart to determine if you are affected and need to run the ACT! Daylight Saving Time Utility.

We hope you found this information helpful and self explanatory. Please go to http://www.act.com/daylightsavingtime for further information and instructions on how to receive and use the ACT! DST Utility.


ACT! Product Team


Instant Messaging for Charity

Microsoft has a new charity initiative. If you are like me then you use Windows Messenger for IM. Why not have it earn at least $100,000 for a charity? There are several to choose from.

Windows Live Messenger 8.1 is required to participate.
Already have Windows Live Messenger 8.1?

It's simple to join the i’m initiative if you already have version 8.1 of Windows Live Messenger.
Click the arrow next to your name and select "Tools, Options". Next to your name, type one of the following codes, including the asterisk, for the cause you'd like to support.

Text Code Cause

*red+u American Red Cross
*bgca Boys & Girls Clubs of America
*naf National AIDS Fund
*mssoc National MS Society
*9mil ninemillion.org
*sierra Sierra Club
*help StopGlobalWarming.org
*komen Susan G. Komen for the Cure
*unicef U.S. Fund for UNICEF

Click "OK" to complete the sign-up process.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Amy: On the Road

I'll be out of the office for 10 days this month attending training sessions and conferences from March 8th - 18th.

For much of the time I'll be in Redmond at Microsoft. The first couple of days I'm attending a Deep Dive on Centro and Cougar. Cougar is the not-so-secret code name for SBS 2008 and Centro is the not-so-secret code name for a new 3 server suite for advanced small businesses and medium business. Harbor Computer Services is involved in the beta for both of these products and we've been given the opportunity to shape the future of these products.

Following the Deep Dive I'll be attending the MVP Summit. Once every 2 years Microsoft brings together its MVP's for an in-depth 4 day training, road map check and big thank you. My MVP award from Microsoft is in ISA server so I'll be flooded with information about upcoming security improvements, products and requests for my input on what is really happening with real clients. It's a chance for Microsoft developers and managers to hear from us directly and find out how the products are performing in the real world.

Then I'm headed to Los Angelos when I'm presenting at the SMB Summit on ISA and small business security in general to my peers.

Upon my return I'm booked the folllowing day as one of 6 select IT firms to present and have a table at the MS Small Business Conference. That one is taking place on the Internet and in person in Walled Lake.

You'll be in good hands while I'm away: Ted, Diana, Keith and Missy will be on the job. I'll also have access to Internet and Email at least a couple of times a day so feel free to contact me. Just know my response will be a little bit slower than usual.

Amy Babinchak
Harbor Computer Services

Thursday, March 01, 2007

How to Update Home Computers for the New Daylight Saving Time

On March 11th, our new times zones take effect. You may have noticed that we've been very, very busy applying updates to your office computer systems. Because you are a Harbor Computer Services customer we have created the following document for you so you'll be able to update your home computers. We don't support home computers, in general, but if you follow this document you should be able to get the new times zones into your computer.

Please distribute this to all employees with home computers in your organization.



Amy Babinchak