Thank You for a Great Year
The end of 2011 is rapidly approaching so I wanted to take a minute to thank one and all. Our customers have been wonderful. You guys are the very best to work with and we enjoy every minute it. This year, we have struggled to hire the right person and are still working on that project. Diana attended SMB Nation conference where she made new and solidified old product support connections. She learned new tricks from experts from around the world too. Amy spoke at SMBNation on Sharepoint and she also paid it forward by travelled to 13 cities in the USA speaking to IT professionals about opportunities in small business. Early in the year Amy spoke to Microsoft MVP’s at MVPNation on building a successful business and identifying a great idea. We introduced MultiPoint and SBS Essentials into the mix and installed several Terminal Server farms. The trend toward more and more mobility definitely continues at an ever quickening clip. We saw tremendous growth both in number of customers and the work you are requesting of us. Our hunt for another great IT person continues so we can meet these demands.
Our plans for 2012 are modest. We just want to exceed your expectations and live up to the awards we have been given over the years.
We hope that 2012 makes your dreams come true.
- Amy Babinchak and the whole team at Harbor Computer Services