I'm a dinosaur :-(
Small Business Tech Notes
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The other day I read that Instant Messaging is the preferred method of communication over email for anyone under 25. My first thought was no kidding, any parent can tell you about the horrors it inflicted on their home computer 'till the cows come home. For some reason I kept reading and I learned that disliking IM means that you're old and you'll be relegated to dinosaur status within the next 5 years unless you get with it. Keeping up with changing technology is a constant battle, isn't it?
Things I don't like about IM: AOL, Yahoo and MSN; Viruses and Trojans. Total lack of security features.
The next versions of IM include attachments, voice, white board and a host of other features. Once all of that is added in and accepted as the norm will it still be different from email? Eventually IM will be the informal space and email will be the formal space. Advertising companies, hackers and viruses are already targeting IM. The best way to combat these things is to implement a corporate IM client. Several are available, including one from Microsoft called Live Communications Server. The major benefit it offers is the ability to talk to AOL, Yahoo and MSN IM clients as well as setup your own internal IM for private conversations within your company. You can also setup security to prevent certain types of attachments, restrict who is allowed to IM to you, to just mention a couple of the security features. It is offered at a steep discount to small business server owners. So if you are interested in IM at work; consider purchasing a IM meant for business. As much as I hate the idea I'm going to look into it myself. It's bad enough that I'm turning 40 later this year, I don't need to become a dinosaur too.
Amy Babinchak
Harbor Computer Services